第 2 句因包含“大千”,據(jù)此推斷可能引用了典故:大千
波斯短歌行譯箋 其六十八 當(dāng)代 · 鐘錦
七言絕句 押先韻
注:○馬騎燈:走馬燈也。金盈之 《醉翁談錄·京城風(fēng)俗記·正月》:“上元,自月初開東華門為鐙字……又有鐙毬、鐙槊、絹鐙籠、日月鐙、詩牌絹鐙、鏡鐙、字鐙、馬騎鐙?!?span id="igc4ium" class='bold'>范成大 《上元紀吳中節(jié)物俳諧體三十二韻》“映光魚隱現(xiàn),轉(zhuǎn)影騎縱橫?!?span id="4ewsu46" class='bold'>原注:“馬騎燈?!薄?span id="umck64y" class='bold'>大千:大千世界之省也。道恒 《釋駁論》:“故神暉一震,則感動大千?!薄?span id="2usa64e" class='bold'>陽燧:《周禮·秋官·司烜氏》:“司烜氏掌以夫遂取明火于日,以鑒?!?span id="4gu84g4" class='bold'>鄭玄 注:“夫遂,陽遂也。”賈公彥疏:“以其日者,太陽之精,取火于日,故名陽遂?!?span id="iiie6q4" class='bold'>原文云:“彼燈之光自陽精來,持燈者夜半挑之?!被蜓栽乱病?span id="egygoso" class='bold'>此以陽燧火譯之,更肖燈也。
We are no other than a moving row
Of Magic Shadow-shapes that come and go
Round with the Sun-illumined Lantern held
In Midnight by the Master of the Show;
We are no other than a moving row
Of Magic Shadow-shapes that come and go
Round with the Sun-illumined Lantern held
In Midnight by the Master of the Show;